Jeffrey Bond

My Certifications

Diplomate of Acupuncture

NCCAOM Certified

A Diplomate of Acupuncture is an acupuncturist who is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM®). It is a considerable professional achievement to earn the designation Diplomate of Acupuncture (NCCAOM). NCCAOM certification indicates to employers, patients, and peers that one has met national standards for the safe and competent practice of acupuncture as defined by the acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) profession. For additional information, about the Diplomate of Acupuncture, please visit the NCCAOM Website.

Acupuncture Training and Certification

I have been practicing acupuncture for over 25 years.  My training includes:

 1986 - 1989        College of Traditional Acupuncture,  Leamington, UK.

                            Licentiate in Acupuncture.
1989 - Present    Diplomate in Acupuncture, NCCAOM
1990 - 1991        Chinese Medicine Seminars, London, UK. "A Course in Traditional
                           Chinese Acupuncture".  Principal tutors:  Mazin Al-Khafaji and Peter Deadman, authors of "A Manual of Acupuncture".
1991                   College of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, London, UK.  Began
                           study of Chinese Herbal Medicine.  Principal tutors:  Giovanni Maciocia
                           and Mazin Al-Khafaji.
1992                   New England School of Acupuncture, Watertown, MA.  Continued study
                           of Chinese Herbal Medicine with Ted Kaptchuk.
1995-1996          Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Science, Oakland, CA.  Attended and passed complete program in Chinese Herbal Medicine.  Principal tutors:  Richard Liao and David Liu.  Qualified to sit CA State Boards.
2005                   Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH.  AHLTH 1502  Applied
                           Pathophysiology.  Clinical anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology.
2005                   Granted license as acupuncturist by Ohio State Medical Board. 
2006                   Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, Certification Seminar with Virginia
                           Doran, Toronto, Canada.


I am currently the only licensed acupuncturist in the Mahoning Valley.


To learn more about me, please go to the "Contact Me" page and send me a message. I'd be happy to tell you anything you'd like to know. Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.